Biaya Pendaftaran dan Perkuliahan

- Indonesia

Details of Registration and Tuition Fees

Academic year 2024/2025


Information :

  • Other funds are paid once upon initial registration as a new student.
  • DPP payments can be paid in installments 4 times a year following a predetermined schedule.
  • DPP subsidy of Rp. 2,500,000,- If prospective students register until March 2024.
  • DPP subsidy of Rp. 1,500,000,- If prospective students register until August 2024.
  • DPP subsidy of Rp. 500,000,- If prospective students register until September 2024.
  • UKT payments include:
    1. Semester registration fees, tuition fees per semester and semester exam fees.
    2. UKT fees do not include fees for thesis exams, KKN/KKNP and graduation.